Séquence – Back Home (official Musicvideo)

Concept & Direction: Simon Rajchl @simonrajchl (IG)
DOP: Tim Zoidl @timzoidl (IG)
AC: Michael Richter @mike.drop.mike (IG)
Production: Ella Bella Guggenbichler @ellabeall (IG)
Gaffer: Fabian Moser @mr_moser_ (IG)
Art Direction: Zoe Guggenbichler @zoeleoniee (IG) & Ella Bella Guggenbichler @ellabeall (IG) Styling & Dress: Romy Hoffmann @romyhoff (IG)
Hair & Make up: Marietta Dang @mariettadang (IG)
Pants by Branden @brandanjosh (IG)
Management: Séquence Management Team @taki_steve @pianochris @martinhummer @agazia (IG)
Assistant: Zakir @2fr__rank (IG)
Model: Elizaveta Konstantinova @lisasehrlieb (IG)
Intro scene Talent: Mino @minocawa (IG), Heike @heikeguggenbichler (IG), Gerald Stiegner, Kiara @kikimaykaefer (IG)
Outro scene Talent: August @auguuk , Felix @felixcaspar.ch, Leonie @leonie.silia, Romy @romyhoff (IG)
Edit & VFX: Simon Rajchl @simonrajchl (IG)
Colour Grading: Dominik Hofer @hoferdo (IG)
3D visuals & animation: Ella Bella Guggenbichler @ellabeall (IG)
3D car model: Zoe Leonie Guggenbichler @zoeleoniee (IG)
Thanks to Ella (Blacksheep Bar), Christian, Michaela and the Dog Idefix.

Zyiko release campaign

Direction / Concept: Simon Raichl (@simonrajchl )
Protagonists: Joshua Agha & Emily Milkowsky (@imthevirginmary )
Camera: Michael Richter ( @magic_ hike_mike )
AC: Tim Zoidl (@timzoidl )
Art Direction: Zoe & Ella Bella Guggenbichler (@ellabeall, @zoeleoniee )
Styling: Zoe Söllner (@zoesoellner )
Hair & Make-up: Marietta Dang (@mariettadang )
Production: Vincenz Embacher, Ella Guggenbicher (@vinci.emb , @ellabeall )
Edit & VFX: Simon Richl (@simonrajchl )
Colour Grading: Michael Richter (@magic_hike_mike )
3D Animations: Ella Bella Guggenbichler (@ellabeall )

a peel – series

For two oranges to be exactly the same, the following events must happen: first, two identical but individual orange trees would have to be planted at the same place and time. Then, two individual oranges would have to be growing at the same place and time. Finally, they would have to fall at the exact same time and at the exact same spot on the ground to be identical.

Even if the timing aspect is extremely unlikely, theoretically, two oranges being at the same exact spot equals one individual orange. At least on our planet.

If you peel billions of oranges in one go, you would not get the same shape of orange peel twice. Maybe there will be two related ones because you used a similar peeling technique to shape them a certain way. Even if there is a simple way to peel an orange in one piece without making a big mess (Step 1: Start near the top of the orange, right where it was plucked from the tree. Step 2: Peel in a circular motion while placing your thumb right up against the skin. Step 3: Keep your peel wide. Step 4: Show off your amazing peeling skills), the ones I did turned out pretty chaotic but distinctive.

In a world that often tries to make us conform, it is important to remember that our uniqueness is what makes us valuable. To every peel, there was a peeler.

The Race – Chris James

Music Video for Chris James’s The Race.

Written and Directed by Simon Rajchl

Creative Production —  Ella Bella Guggenbichler

Art Direction — Zoe Leonie Guggenbichler

DP — Michael Richter

2nd DP — Damian Poci

Styling — Tabea Mittendorfer

Set Design — Johanna Berger

Graphics — Zoe Leonie Guggenbichler

Flower Wallpaper & Shirt Design — Ella Bella Guggenbichler

Edit and VFX — Simon Rajchl

Additional VFX — Damian Poci

Color Grading — Simon Rajchl

Spicy Chef — Mino Wanzel

Newspaper Lady — Inge Kubista  

Dog — Bella

ZOBA Shoot

Concept & Photography by Simon Rajchl & Nikolas Rode
Editing – Simon Rajchl
Creative Production – Ella Bella Guggenbichler
Sculptures – Zoe Leonie Guggenbichler
Model – Hong Yu Wang
Photo assistant – Michael Richter

Wiener Linien TU Teaser

Director & VFX: Simon Rajchl

DoP & Edit: Michael Richter

Protagonist: Zoe Leonie Guggenbichler

Production: Rotfilter GmbH

Jenes Video ist im Rahmen meiner Arbeit mit Rotfilter GmbH entstanden.